Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 8 on Lean in 13

I'm still here, still doing the Lean in 13 but this weekend sure was hard. I stuck to the plan during the day but the sun went down and the cravings kicked in.
I was on plan all day Friday and that was despite going to lunch with my co-workers. We went to a MX restaurant and I had not one chip and ordered grilled chicken and veggies. When I got home Friday from work, I was in a rush to load up my car with all my scrapbook stuff. I was heading out with a friend to go do some scrapbooking, so instead of having a protein and veggie, I had a protein shake. I took a fruit and fiber bar with me and a snack bar and I had those while scrapbooking. My friend had made homemade chocolate chip cookies and I resisted. After I got home though, it was late and I should have gone to bed, but instead I snacked on not so healthy stuff.
Saturday was a busy, busy day. Went to a spin class from 9:30-10:30, home to get my daughter ready for a party at 11:30. After my husband and daughter left, I picked up, put a laundry in the wash and got in the shower. They got home at 1:30 and we left the house at 2 for the circus. Before we left, I managed to have some leftover baked chicken and green beans. I took a snack bar with me and I had that at the circus. Then we met some friends for dinner at a Japanese restaurant. I ate way too much and I ordered fried rice. Then when we got home, I snacked on stuff I shouldn't have.
Then Sunday...I was good all day, then in the evening we went to dinner at Applebee's and I had a salad; I'm sure the dressing wasn't healthy and then I came home and snacked on 3 little bags of soynuts covered in dark chocolate.
And today is Day 8, Monday.
meal replacement shake

hard boiled egg

baked chicken with brown rice
fruit and fiber bar

muscle gain shake

Lean steak with brown rice

4 sugar free fudgsicles

30min weights
1 hour spin



Claudia said...

Chocolate chip cookies???...That had to be hard to resist. You're doing pretty good! That's a pretty strict diet that you have to follow...I don't know if I could do that. Pretty impressive!